Kickoff meeting for the Plug Inn project

August 22, 2014

On the 19th of August, 10 representatives for the partners of the Plug Inn project met for a kickoff meeting at Valegården in central Uppsala. Valegården is the headquarters for Permakultur Uppsala, a permaculture project initiated by people working at CEMUS, one of the partners of the Plug Inn project. The meeting was started with short presentations from Christopher Wegweiser from CEMUS and Fredrik Forsman from Greenelizer.

During the presentations we discussed the general outlines of the project. Read more about the project in the blog post About the Plug Inn project. After the presentations we moved outdoors for the main event of the kickoff: a visit to three of the sites that we are looking at as possible candidates for the project. To see a map of the locations we were looking at, click this link.


Site 1: Parking space close to Valegården

The good thing about this site is its central location, very close to the central train station in Uppsala (picture below).


Site 2. Student housing area at Studentvägen


The site we are looking at is situated at the southwest end of an already existing student housing area in the east part of Uppsala. On this picture you can see the grass-covered project site in the background (below).


To the north of the site you can see the already existing student housing blocks. The prospected site is on the right in the picture (below).


Site 3. Ulleråker


Ulleråker is the name of an area situated 2-3 kilometers south of the central parts of Uppsala, bordering to the Fyrisån watercourse. Today this area is mostly fields and forests, but there will be quite a lot of housing built here in the coming years, as the city of Uppsala expands southward. The picture below shows the Plug Inn team making their way out to the site.



This site, in the middle of the meadows, is one of the possible project locations within Ulleråker. In the background on this picture Permakultur Uppsala is planning to establish a forest garden. (below)


Close to the projected forest garden site is the former psychiatric hospital Ulleråker, today home to schools, preschools and other newly established acitivities. A project location in more immediate vicinity of the former hospital is also a possibility (picture below).
